Monday, June 3, 2013

ABC's 'Mistresses': Your Summer Guilty Pleasure! 5 Reasons To Watch.


Yep, folks it is that time of year again. It's officially summer television season. Why do you care you ask? Well, ABC is about to give TV a dose of some soapy filled drama. Coming from over the pond in the UK a series of the same title. Giving your Monday nights a boost for the next (hopefully) 13 weeks.

5 Reasons You Should Watch 'Mistresses' 

Beautiful People- Yes of course. This night soap has to have the "secret" formula of having a hot cast. Having said that it may be just one reason to watch. Right? Not always. But I for one am willing to stick with it to see

Sex- Of course the heat is being turned up for networks needing to compete with cable for viewership. So, I say. BRING IT ON!

Drama- What would a night time soap be without D-R-A-M-A! Right, remember 'Beverly Hills 90210', 'Melrose Place' (Google it kids). 

Lies- The lies that are told I'm sure will be bigger and more explosive as the series goes along. I for one love a good liar, backstabbing character or two.

Plot Twist- I know that you all LOVE a good plot twist as much as I do. I was taken by a bit(yes, just a little) of the series premiere ending episode twist. Leaving you wanting to see the next episode.

Overall all my opinion of the pilot is that it was not at all original. Yes, there are story lines/themes you've seen before(over and over) and can see coming. BUT the show has been under fire due to the subject matter. Which may help more tune in. I say, boo-hoo! Don't watch it if it offends you. I'm in. I will be sharing my quick reactions/thoughts, err..opinion for the entire duration of the show.

Alyssa Milano(Savannah "Savi" Davis)
Jes Macallan (Josslyn Carver)
Yunji Kim (Karen Rhodes)
Rochelle Aytes (April Malloy)
Erik Stocklin (Sam Grey)
Brett Tucker (Harry Davis) and Jason George (Dominic Taylor)

*Tweet with the cast Tonight during the premiere at 10 pm EST/PST here>> Twitter Party